Meet Malissa

Malissa Wilkins is a Plant-Based Chef and Healthy Living Consultant of 9 years.

She served as Head Chef and Teacher for Healthy Living Inc. before starting her own business as a Private chef, Caterer, and Consultant in Washington, DC, and Baltimore under Velvet’s Kitchen.

In 2022, Malissa left the States to study Indigenous Medicine Practices, Farming and Herbal plant remedies, Aromatherapy, and Exercise for Disease Reversal and Prevention in the body. She studied under practitioners in Costa Rica and Germany for 2 years, and now, having returned to the States, is excited to share HER wealth of knowledge.

Malissa has always been passionate about helping others live healthy, fulfilling, stress-free lives so that we all can serve one another without worrying about our conditions.

She also believes all Diseases are treatable and cureable with the natural plants and herbs the Most High has provided on the earth.

Malissa is a follower of Yahuah, and her faith in healing and miracles stems from her relationship with Elohim. She also prays over all food and products before giving them to clients as she believes Yah orchestrates Total healing.

Divine Eternal Wellness points to this intersection of Faith and Medicine, dealing with the total man - Body, Soul + Spirit.

Let’s Begin